12th IACM Conference
on Cannabinoids
in Medicine
1st SSCM Conference
on Cannabis
in Medicine

End of registration – last few tickets available at the cash desk


The registration for the on-site attendance at the Cannabinoid Conference, 20-21 October 2022 in Basel, ended on October 17th, 2022. If you still want to participate, there are two possibilities:

1. Book an online ticket and join the event virtual > you can watch all sessions live and also after the conference, and you can talk to all attendees over the event app.

2. There are a few last tickets available at the cash desk > write us an email to  and reserve one of the last few tickets.

About the Cannabinoid Conference

A traditional event in the medical cannabis sector brings together the international scientific community. Providing quality networking, updates on ongoing scientific products, and direct contact with the industry under one roof. Let’s meet again!